Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





  • Add export format CSV.

  • Features

    • Implement parts of eCH-0056 v4.0.1 (introduce STAC and OGC API Features, update WMS)

    • Simplification of preview map.

    • Data processes: Parallelisation of validation (ilivalidator) and import (ili2pg) when multiple files are delivered. This will increase the data processing time for data integrations several times over, especially for topic av.

    • Data processes: the validation step during data import is skipped if the data has already been proven (by appended logfiles) to be sufficiently validated.

    • API service information: addition of the time of the last publication per INTERLIS file.

    • Extension of the API data export (addition of an API endpoint for the creation of a new order).

    • Nice 404 page.


  • Improve test automation.

  • Further automate deployments


    • Cantons: Fix a bug that caused cantons to be unable to activate offers based on raster data via the GUI as intended.


    • Improve test automation.

    • Further automate deployments.

    • Testframework

    • DB-Refactoring

    3.7.8 (Release, 4.9.2024)


    • Fix an incorrect linking of documents to the geodata objects in the topic planungszonen. The output should now be correct.

    • Data on the topic wildruhezonen had to be depublished by the canton of AI. The declaration of completeness was therefore removed.


    • Enable export format CSV for some topics where it was missing.

    • Introduce av2geobau 1.4.0 for the export of format DXF (GEOBAU). As a result, the building numbers are now exported.


    • Introduce ilivalidator 1.14.3 for all topics (This version can massively increase the performance and stability of AREA validations compared to previous versions).

    • Improve the information in the e-mail notification when receiving a release on access-protected offers and after exporting the data.

    • Improve internal queries to mailing lists.

    • Further automate Deployments.

    3.7.7 (Hotfix, 07.08.2024)


    • Topic gewaesserraum: Fix exports (formats GeoPackage and ESRI Shapefile)

    3.7.7 (Hotfix, 24.07.2024)


    3.7.7 (Hotfix, 11.07.2024)



    • Resolve a mail server overload that prevented automatic notifications from being sent.

    • Optimisations in terms of stability and security.

    3.7.7 (Release, 10.07.2024)


    • Introduce new topic gewaesserraum. The topic is available as soon as data has been published.

    • Update topic rodungen_und_rodungsersatz to v1.1. The topic is available as soon as data has been published. The publication of v1.0, which was introduced with release 3.7.6 on 16 May 2024, has been held back due to a model error.

    • Topics npl_nutzungsplanung and npl_laermempfindlichkeitsstufen: Add attributes concerning accompanying documents for PLR datasets as JSON construct if available.

    • Topic lwb_permieter_ln_sf: Add missing translations for Attribute bezugsjahr.

    • Topic av: improve the portrayal of the WMS (portrayal of forests and underground buildings).


    • Fix the output of multi-geometries for WFS responses.


    • Support HTML format for answering WMS information queries.


    • Introduce ilivalidator 1.14.2 for all topics (This version can massively increase the performance and stability of validations compared to previous versions).

    • WMS GetFeatureInfo: support clients with iframe dependencies.

    • Improve security and stability.

    • Further automate Deployments.

    3.7.6 (Release, 16.05.2024)



    • Export GeoPackage: declare the specific geometry type instead of a generic one per table, if possible.

    • AtomFeed: restore missing data records that were updated more than two years ago.

    • Data processes: prevent the import of cantonal catalogues, which leads to data inconsistencies and redundancies.

    • Data processes: Prevent the import of data records that contain special characters in the file name, which leads to errors such as Exception: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8. In the case of unauthorised file names, the message ‘Error: Filename [filename].xtf contains unsupported characters' is displayed in the log and the import is aborted.

    • Data processes: Fix and optimize some issues related to the API:

      • Add missing Value uploaded_at within response of API imported_dataset.

      • Users with role publish have now access to API uploaded_dataset and import_uploaded

      • Fix internal cleanup mechanism.

    • Cantons: add missing DXF export statistics.


    • Add export format CSV.


    • WMS GetFeatureInfo: support clients with iframe dependencies.

    • Optimise operational setup with regard to log rotation and excessive CPU i/o wait.

    • Implement self-healing mechanism (daily restart) for interrupted job queues.

    • Improve internal Monitoring of Jobservers.

    • Further automate Deployments.

    3.7.5 (Release, 13.03.2024)


    • Topic kataster_belasteter_standorte: Implement missing multilingualism for the attributes "katastername" and "zustaendige_behoerde"

    • Topic av: Improve performance of WMS and WFS.

    • Topics lwb_*: Remove the prefix “Landw. Bewirtschaftung” from the topic titles.

    • Topic lwb_bewirtschaftungseinheit: Add attribute bur_nr.


    • Fix a rare error when exporting the DXF GEOBAU format, which leads to the absence of a dxf file in the delivered ZIP file

    • Cantons: Prevent the unintentional import of catalogue elements via XTF files by providers.

    • Cantons: add the missing format DXF GEOBAU when exporting the access statistics.


    • Mark mandatory fields in the feedback form.

    • Remove unnecessary and security-relevant information from the data import logs.

    • Delete obsolete import and publish logs older than 2 years.

    3.7.4 (Release, 24.01.2024)


    • Upgrade to av2geobau version 1.3.0. This allows the DXF GEOBAU format to be provided even if the underlying INTERLIS data is available only in french or italian (according to TRANSLATION OF models).

    • Cantons: add the missing format DXF GEOBAU when exporting the access statistics.

    • Data processes, topic leitungskataster_v2_0: When importing with XTF, which declare invalid or obsolete models in the HEADERSECTION, the error model not found can occur in the compiler, which then leads to the data import failing. See: . This has been solved by declaring the parameter --models when calling the ili2pg import.


    • Fix "failed to fetch" error within swagger when using on and vise versa .


    • Improve performance of AtomFeed.

    • Improve internal management of cantonal offer planning.

    • Implement various improvements on data management and service operation.
