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  • Add export format CSV.

  • Simplification of preview map.

  • Data processes: Parallelisation of validation (ilivalidator) and import (ili2pg) when multiple files are delivered. This will increase the data processing time for data integrations several times over, especially for topic av.

  • Data processes: the validation step during data import is skipped if the data has already been proven (by appended logfiles) to be sufficiently validated.

  • API service information: addition of the time of the last publication per INTERLIS file.

  • Nice 404 page.


  • Improve test automation.

  • Further automate deployments.

3.7.4 (Release, 24.01.2024)


  • The offer wildruhezonen ist now complete. 🦌

  • Update the data catalogues for the offers in the area of agriculture (see patch change message page for details)

  • Decommissioning of the internal administrative service “Amtliche Vermessung (Jahresstand)”.

  • Update or declare the implementation and transition periods for cancelled, old versions of various offers. For details please consult the version overview and the specification page of the affected offers.


  • Data processes: add partial import functionality for schema transformation. This will increase the data processing time for data integrations, especially for heavy topics.

  • Data processes: add functionality so that providers can enable multiple other data suppliers to upload, import and / or publish data to The providers can obtain uploaded data, check it and, if necessary, publish it directly in corresponding offers or reject it.

  • Data processes: Addition of the resulting validation status per file to the status query results in the API import tasks.


  • Fix a bug that led to data loss in the old versions of agricultural offers.


  • Improve security, stability and performance.

  • Improve translations (GUI).

3.7.3 (Hotfix, 18.01.2024)


  • Fix a bug that made it impossible to change the password if the postcode and city were missing in the profile.

3.7.3 (Hotfix, 05.12.2023)


  • Topic sanierung_wasserkraft: Fix a bug in the data integration, which causes certain information not to be displayed in the WMS


  • Prevent sudden logout (this bug has been observed especially with chrome based browsers).

  • Prevent the request for a password reset after registration

3.7.3 (Release, 6.11.2023)



  • Enforce the password requirements introduced with release v3.7.2.

  • Upgrade Postgres and PostGIS.

  • Update testimonials.

3.7.2 (Hotfix, 28.9.2023)


  • Introduce new topic sanierung_wasserkraft. The topic is available as soon as data has been published.

  • Topic av: fix missing portrayal of control points “HFP2” within WMS av and avc.

  • Topic planerischer_gewaesserschutz: add missing layers gwszone and gwsareal for export formats GeoPackage and ESRI Shapefile.


  • Data processes: In rare cases, ongoing data imports, publications or data exports abort without an error message. This error crept in with the last release and has now been fixed.


  • Improve security

3.7.2 (Release, 7.9.2023)


  • Implement specific service notifications for access-protected broker offers.


  • Upgrade to av2geobau version 1.3.0. This allows the DXF GEOBAU format to be provided even if the underlying INTERLIS data is available only in french or italian (according to TRANSLATION OF models).

  • Cantons: add the missing format DXF GEOBAU when exporting the access statistics.

  • Data processes, topic leitungskataster_v2_0: When importing with XTF, which declare invalid or obsolete models in the HEADERSECTION, the error model not found can occur in the compiler, which then leads to the data import failing. See: . This has been solved by declaring the parameter --models when calling the ili2pg import.


  • Improve security

3.7.1 (Hotfix, 9.8.2023)


  • Topic naturereigniskataster and naturereigniskataster_umfassend:

    • Integrate missing information on some process areas.

    • Upgrade to ili2pg v4.11.0. This fixes the error ili2pg --delete failed for dataset during data import, if XTF with empty DATA SECTION were imported before.

3.7.1 (Release, 13.7.2023)



  • Add the possibility of data integration and distribution of certain offers by third parties (brokers).

  • Optimisations concerning format DXF (GEOBAU):

    • Data reference form: Visulisation of the selection incl. buffer

    • Distribution option for access-protected data

    • Better progress bar display during data export

    • Listing of EGRID after data export



  • Data retrieval of export formats: Hide the feedback button as long as a data export is not yet completed.

  • Move changelog to wiki.

3.7.0 (Hotfix, 22.6.2023)


  • Fix missing wms layer names in topic lwb_nutzungsflaechen_v2_0_intern.

  • Fix the data reference page (missing form elements as well as button "Order") for registered users who already have limited access rights to the offer.

3.7.0 (Release, 1.6.2023)



  • Add export format DXF for topic av. This is currently a beta feature and restricted for non-access protected cadastral survey data. Various optimisations in the data retrieval process and the extension for access-protected data are planned.



  • Improve performance of AtomFeed.

  • Improve internal management of cantonal offer planning.

  • Implement various improvements on data management and service operation.

3.6.3 (Release, 27.4.2023)



  • Topic naturereigniskataster: Fix error within import process. This error did not affect data consistency.

  • Topic naturereigniskataster: Add missing attribute bemerkungen_schaeden.

  • Topic kataster_belasteter_standorte_v1_5_0: Fix export of format ESRI Shapefile (processing of geometry collections).

  • Topic av: fix import errors in ili2pg (510) by temporarily adding the option --disableBoundaryRecoding.

  • Topic wildruhezonen: Add missing values in attributes bestimmungen_kt and mutationsgrund in case delivered data is not multilingual.

  • Data processes: update ili2pg version to 4.10.1 for topics with TRANSLATION OF models due to bugfix 504, using the option --disableBoundaryRecoding for topics with polygons.

  • Data processes: update ili2pg version to 4.11.0 for topics planungszonen_v1_1 and npl_waldgrenzen_v1_2 due to bugfix 513.

  • Data processes: fix a rare compiler error upon calling ili2pg --delete by adding the option --modeldir.

  • Data processes: fix internal server error when accessing /data_agg/import_tasks or /data_agg/publish_tasks when planned data proccesses are running.

  • Data processes: suppresses the sending of obsolete notifications in cc to the canton in the case of error-free data processes that were executed by delegated third-party users, if the affected option is deactivated in the cantons profile.

  • Fix the declaration of the language in the GUI when obtaining data in the INTERLIS format.


  • Correct information regarding transition periods for changing the version of PLR topics.

  • Improve security.

  • Improve CI/CD pipeline (automatic tests).

  • Update testimonials.

3.6.2 (Release, 20.3.2023)



  • Add an e-mail field to the feedback form.

  • Cantons: Data integration can now be delegated to third-party users separately for import and publish processes. Additionally, the cantons can obtain the imported data packages via API. The cantons thus have the option of first obtaining data imported by third-party applications / delegates, checking it and then publishing it independently (or importing and publishing corrected data).

  • Refactor the leaflet (viewer) configuration and add the possibility to suppress the legend and information query.


  • Fix the WFS GetFeature POST request processing so that the SERVICE parameter is read in the xml body and no longer needs to be listed as a parameter in the URL.

  • Topic av: update ili2pg version to 4.10.1 due to bugfix 504.

  • Topic fixpunkte: add missing picture to the Italian offer overview.

  • Topic leitungskataster: Improve portrayal of object "Abwasser: Deckel".

  • Topic luftbild: remove obsolete MASK layers.

  • Topic naturereigniskataster: add missing attribute SE_SCHADEN_BEMERKUNGEN, add missing values in certain attributes


  • Add ELKSRV (ElasticStack Server) to the monitoring system (VM, Docker).

  • Add Postgres db connection metrics and alarm rules to the monitoring system.

  • Improve the user interaction and translations of the GUI.

  • Remove obsolete snmp agents.

  • Update labels of topics on homepage.

  • Update testimonials.

3.6.1 (Hotfix, 2.2.2023)


  • With the last release, an error crept in which led to the situation that freely available data exports could no longer be downloaded without an account/login. This has been fixed.

3.6.1 (Release, 26.1.2023)



  • Add new status page.

  • Add the stanard option --logtime to the calls of ilivalidator and ili2db. Newer versions support this option and provide a timestamp per entry in the log files.

  • Add tooltips in the data reference form.

  • Notify the cantons technical contact by default in the event of data integration (import or publish) of offers for which the data integration is carried out by commissioned third parties.


  • Fix possible HTML injection on API (Thanks @ Anmol Kumar (r0gue302)).

  • Fix an autorisation error for API Endpoint data export for restricted topics.

  • Fix a bug in the leaflet configuration that causes the display of the WMS in the preview map of the topics wildruhezonen and revitalisierung_seen to not work for the languages French and Italian.

  • The so-called "full view" metadata view of was shut down on 15 December 2022. Since then, the links to under the offer specifications no longer work. This has been fixed by linking to the standard view.

  • Fix a faulty SQL query when displaying the validation reports.

  • Fix a bug which caused db connections not to be closed properly.

  • Topic av: Fix a potential processing error with the chained PostGIS functionalities ST_CurveToLine, ST_SnapToGrid, ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints and ST_MakeValid for certain temporary tables. This error did not affect the published objects.

  • Topic fixpunkte: Fix layer titles and abstracts.

  • Topics lwb_*: Fix duplicated objects upon importing data split in several xtf files per topic.

  • Topic luftbild: Remove obsolete GetFeatureInfo and GetLegendGraphics from WMS Capabilities.

  • Topic lwb_nutzungsflaechen: fix typo in abstract.

  • Topic naturereigniskataser: Fix a processing error in the creation of the object date, which led to the affected objects not being displayed in the WMS.


  • Add the link to the terms of use to the corresponding icon.

  • Add translations to the export formats for all topics.

  • Improve italian translations (gui).

  • Move FAQ pages to confluence wiki.

  • Decommission obsolete Paessler monitoring (PRTG and SNMP agents).

  • Improve monitoring system (monitoring job scheduler, import/export configuration and alert templates, number and state of dynamic nodes, postgres monitoring).

  • Remove obsolete ilivalidator v1.8.1 for topics fruchtfolgeflaechen, kantonale_ausnahmetransportrouten, planerischer_gewaesserschutz and waldreservate.

  • Update labels and order of topics on homepage.

3.6.0 (Release, 9.11.2022)



  • Prepare the missing readme_it.txt during data export.

  • Topic revitalisierung_seen: Add metadata links.

  • Topic fixpunkte: Add / update metadata and fix declaration of status "in Bearbeitung" / "en travail" / "in elaborazione".

  • Data processes: fix error "No such file or directory @ apply2files - /var/file_data/ili_agg_imports/uploads/[topic]/[canton]/upload_LV95_[id]" due to rare network-issues during data import.

  • Topic gefahrenkarten: Fix wms display error in version 1.3


  • Improve background color for leaflet viewer implementation.

  • Increase the maximum length of the login name to 255 characters.

  • Add note regarding restrictions for format ESRI Shapefile to the readme.

  • Add a link to terms of use to the icons concerned.

  • Renew the service desk tool.

  • Renew the monitoring tool.

  • Improve internal backup process.

  • Improve test automation.

3.5.9 (Release, 20.10.2022)


  • New Topic Fixpunkte (Kategorie 2): The topic is available as soon as at least one canton has published the data.

  • Topic av: Add warning label for layers LCSFC and SOSFC. The layers LCSFC and SOSFC will be removed in the current WMS av_0 and WFS av_0 as of 9.11.2022.


  • Improve robustness of autoscaling for jobservers.

  • Update testimonials.

3.5.8 (Release, 21.9.2022)



  • Add better notification and infos on API data export.

  • Add automatic update mechanism for geometries in availability map (based on swissBOUDARIES3D).

  • Data processes: in the case of automatic mails regarding import & publish, the canton concerned will also be included in the text.

  • Data processes: extend the import API so that the ID of an import task is automatically linked to the ID of the associated or subsequent publish task.


  • Fix consistency issues of availability information within generic WMS group layers "verfuegbarkeit".

  • Topic npl_nutzungsplanung: Fix WMS/WFS Query Error for layer "ueberlagernde_nutzungsplaninhalte_flaechen" in WMS and WFS npl_nutzungsplanung_v1_2_0 .

  • Data processes: Fix geometry type error in the back transformation of the topics npl_nutzungsplanung (v1.2 to v1.1) and npl_laermempfindlichkeitsstufen (v1.2 to v1.1)


  • Add translation of GUI and messages to Italian.

  • Cantons: add import, publish and raster API Documentation to API page

  • Cantons: add Application manual as wiki.

  • Improve internal configuration of available languages.

  • Cleanup database and optimise usage of infrastructure.

3.5.7 (Hotfix, 1.9.2022)


3.5.7 (Release, 16.8.2022)



  • Add the possibility to have Open Data terms of use declared by the cantons.

  • Add validation of terms of use and privacy policy upon registration or login, and via cookie banner.


  • Prevent gaps and redundancies in the delivery of WFS responses for sequential queries using the STARTINDEX parameter.

  • Fix validation reports.

  • Data processes: data transfer files with capital file extensions (.XTF or .ITF) have been ignored. This is fixed now.

  • Data processes: improve robustness in rare cases where connection to underlying redis container is disrupted.


  • Add new terms of use and privacy policy.

  • Replace the sender email address for automatic notifications.

  • Optimisations of backup processes.

  • Optimise application connection pooling.

3.5.6 (Hotfix, 13.7.2022)


  • Topic gefahrenkarten: Fix msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named intensitaet_permanente_rutschung_ohne_angabe_einer_jaehrlichkeit.

  • Fix potential WMS GetMap error caused by missing hatch symbol.

  • Fix configuration for CI/CD tests.

  • Cantons: fix export of access statistics.

3.5.6 (Release, 7.7.2022)



  • Data processes: introduce nightly forced breaks for PostgreSQL VACUUM.

  • Data processes: add multiprocessing for the raster data imports. This greatly reduces the processing time.


  • API services information: The ilivalidator version is now prefixed with "v". This solves formatting problems when using the CSV format in Microsoft Excel.

  • API services information: All cases with line breaks are now handled correctly.

  • API services information: Now also the offers in the status "under construction" are delivered .

  • Data processes: implement better exception handling when processing raster data with gdal/ogr.

  • Cantons: fix export of access statistics.

  • Cantons: fix the file upload functionality for the declaration of the cantonal terms of use.

  • Cantons: fix a rare condition where data processes could be executed on the integration system instead of the production system.


  • Major and / or minor upgrade of several software components, e.g. mapserver, ruby, rails, gdal/ogr, python3.

3.5.5 (Hotfix, 2.6.2022)


3.5.5 (Hotfix, 30.5.2022)


  • Fix log level mapserver

3.5.5 (Release, 11.5.2022)


  • WMS kataster_belasteter_standorte_v1_5_0: Add attribute 'url_kataster' to GetFeatureInfo response

  • Add format geojson for WFS GetFeature and WMS GetFeatureInfo.

  • Fix WFS GetFeature response for requests with 'filter' option and 'srsname' other than EPSG:2056.



  • Show localized WMS / WFS links on page after requesting services.

  • API services information: Certain strings are now returned in quotes to improve usability of csv.

  • API services information: The meta_data field now has the value null if there is no metadata.

  • API services information: The fields publication_data and publication_wms now contain 'no data' or 'under construction' instead of null.

  • API services information: Add new flag for restricted topics.

  • Persist dump.rdb redis snapshot, this prevents the loss of queues and the failure of running jobs upon service restart on REDISSRV, e.g. due to maintenance work.

  • Cantons: Restore download of INTERLIS models (fix internal server error).

  • Cantons: Remove the delete button for import configurations and add an automatic deletion process for import configurations when updating versions. This prevents inconsistent states in the public availability display if import configurations are accidentally removed.


  • Update FAQ.

  • Change color of warnings to improve readability.

  • Remove obsolete sys_log page.

  • Optimise the backup of application logs.

  • Add memory limits to docker container to improve stability.

3.5.4 (Hotfix, 21.4.2022)


  • Add retry option for raster data import.


  • Fix mount mechanism of raster_data volume to prevent an error which caused the start of webapp container to fail.

3.5.4 (Hotfix, 22.3.2022)


  • Increase RAM and swap of GEOSRV to omit problems with memory leaks.

Earlier versions

For questions about changes in earlier versions, contact

  • No labels